Irwan Yusworo, Anityas Dian Susanti, Gatoet Wardhianto




Taman bunga Mawar di lereng Gunung Ungaran merupakan tempat wisata alam yang bisa dinikmati semua kalangan. Tempat wisata dengan tema bunga mawar yang menjadi salah satu ciri khas di daerah Bandungan, lereng Gunung Ungaran. Tumbuhan mawar banyak dibudidayakan di daerah Bandungan, dengan adanya tempat wisata edukatif ini diharapkan budidaya mawar akan semakin inovatif dan menambah wawasan masyarakat yang berkunjung. Sesuai Perda Kabupaten Semarang tentang regulasi kawasan wisata Bandungan dipadukan dengan perancangan Arsitekur Ekologis dapat memaksimalkan potensi topografi dataran tinggi lereng Gunung Ungaran. Menciptakan produk arsitektur yang menjaga kelestarian alam sekitar sekaligus menyediakan tempat wisata lengkap untuk memenuhi kebutuhan wisata masyarakat. Taman bunga mawar di lereng Gunung Ungaran tidak hanya sebuah taman bunga, di desain lengkap memenuhi kebutuhan wisata alam dengan konsep menghibur, mendidik dan mengutamakan kenyamanan. Tentu sangat menyenangkan berwisata di alam dengan keindahan taman bunga mawar, dalam satu lokasi wisata terdapat The Rose Tower (Galeri Seni & Gardu Pandang), The Rose Museum, Botanical Garden, Open Theatre, Villa, Glamour Camping, Food Court, Souvenir Corner, dan Florist.

Kata kunci : Kawasan Wisata, Taman Mawar



Ungaran Rose Garden is a natural tourism place that can be enjoyed by all people. tourism place with the theme of roses which become one of the characteristics in the Bandungan area, the slopes of Mount Ungaran. Many rose plants are cultivated in the Bandungan area, with the educative tourism palce of Ungaran Rose Garden it is hoped that the cultivation of roses will be more innovative and will improves the welfare of peoples. In accordance with the Semarang Regency Regulation regarding the Bandungan tourism area regulation combined with the Ecological Architecture design, it can maximize the topographic potential of the Mount Ungaran plateau slope. Creating architectural products that maintain the preservation of the natural surroundings while providing complete tourism place to serve the tourism needs of peoples. Ungaran Rose Garden is not only a flower garden, it’s designed to natural tourism place with the concept of entertaining, educating and prioritizing comfort. Certainly very enjoyfull to travel in nature with a beautifull of rose garden, in one tourist location there are The Rose Tower (Art Gallery & View), The Rose Museum, Botanical Garden, Open Theatre, Villa, Glamor Camping, Food Court, Souvenir Corner, and Florist.

Key word : Tourism Place, Rose Garden

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