Mukhammad Yasin, Andi Tri Haryono, Patricia Dhiana Paramita


This study takes the object in the District Ngaliyan is based on a phenomenon or problem that occurs at this time, including employee performance seen from the factors of discipline of employees working less than the maximum because there are many employees who rate their presence does not reach the target of 90%, where the achievement of presence in civil servants in the District Office Ngaliyan less than 75%. The study aims to analyze the influence of intrinsic work motivation and work motivation ekstrinisik to employee performance and job satisfaction intervening variables.
The sampling technique using saturated sample study or research of population to the number of samples are 93 respondents. Methods of data analysis using multiple linear regression. The results of testing shows that there are significant impact between variables motivation work intrinsic to satisfaction work in prove by value t count of 4,731 > t table of 1,661771 and value of the probability of 0,000 < the economic situation of significant 5% or 0.05 .There are significant impact between variables motivation work extrinsic to work in butikan satisfaction with the t count of 2,185 > t table of 1,661771 and value of the probability of 0,031< the economic situation of significant 5% or 0.05. There are significant impact between variables motivation work intrinsic and motivation work extrinsic to work in butikan satisfaction with the f count of 39,573 > F table of 3,097698 and value of the probability of 0,000 smaller than the economic situation of significant 5% or 0.05 .There are significant impact between variables motivation work ikstrinsik of the performance of employees in butikan with the t count of 5,341> t table of 1,661771 and value of the probability of 0,000 < the economic situation of significant 5% or 0.05.There are significant impact between variables motivation work extrinsic of the performance of employees in butikan with the t count of 3,381 > t table of 1,661771 and value of the probability of 0,001 < the economic situation of significant 5% or 0.05 .There are significant impact between variables satisfaction work of the performance of employees in butikan with the t count of 3,300 > t table of 1,661771 and value of the probability of 0,001 < the economic situation of significant 5 % or 0.05 .
Key words: work motivation intrinsic, extrinsic work motivation, job satisfaction and employee performance

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