Analisis Pengaruh Harga, Keunggulan Produk Dan Citra Merek Terhadap Minat Konsumen Dalam Pembelian Mobil Mitsubishi Sport Pada PT Bumen Redja Abadi Semarang

Diar Tripratiwi, Maria Magdalena Minarsih, Leonardo Budi Hasiholan


This study aimed to test the influence of a positive and significant correlation between price, product excellence and brand image to the consumer interest in purchasing cars Mitsubishi Sport on Bumen Redja PT Abadi Semarang.
The analytical method used in this research is multiple regression analysis is used to determine whether the independent variables and the dependent variable has a significant effect or not, simultaneously / whole, test T test to test hipotsis and Test Analysis Simultaneous F Test is a test for determine the effect of the price (X1), product excellence (X2) and brand image (X3) simultaneously against the consumer interest in purchasing (Y).
Based on the results of research and discussion on the effect of pricing, product excellence and brand image to the consumer interest in purchasing cars Mitsubishi sport at PT Bumen Redja Abadi Semarang, it can be concluded: variable pricing, product excellence and brand image, in influencing consumer interest in purchasing cars Pajero sport PT Abadi Semarang Bumen Redja amounted to 91.6%, while the remaining 8.4% of consumer interest in the purchase of cars Pajero sport at Bumen Redja PT Abadi Semarang explained by other variables not examined. There is a positive and significant influence jointly between price, product excellence and brand image to the consumer interest in purchasing cars Mitsubishi Sport on Bumen Redja PT Abadi Semarang. The value of F test shows Fhitung 46.422> ttable 2.84 and sig. = 0,000 <α = 0.05 means Ho rejected and receive H4.
Keywords: Price, Product Excellence, Brand, Consumer Interests

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