PENGARUH BOPO, LDR, NPM, DAN UKURAN PERUSAHAAN TERHADAP PROFITABILITAS (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan Perbankan yang Listed di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) Tahun 2009-2013)

Mario Ferdian


Developments in the banking world very rapidly and a high level of complexity, can affect the performance of a bank. The complexity of the banking business can increase the risks faced by banks in Indonesia. The weak condition of the bank as inadequate management, provision of credit to the group or groups of their own business and capital can not cover the risks faced by banks led to the bank's performance declined. Decrease in bank performance can decrease the profitability of the company as well.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of managerial skills, liquidity, marketing strategy and firm size on profitability. The population used in this study is a banking company that is listed on the Stock Exchange in 2009-2013. This type of data is the data obtained through ICMD documentation and anual report. The analysis tool used is multiple regression.
The results of the data analysis are: managerial skills measured by ROA negative effect on profitability, meaning that if more skilled managerial indicated by ROA are not too high, then the firm will gain increasing profitability. Liquidity (LDR) significantly affect profitability. This condition occurs because the LDR stating how far back the bank's ability to distribute the funds that have been collected from customers by providing credit as a source of liquidity. The greater the credit earned income will rise, thus automatically earnings will also increase. Net Profit Margin (NPM) significant negative effect on earnings growth acceptable. This condition occurs because all activities that include the management of a bank's capital management, asset quality management, general management, profitability management and liquidity management will ultimately lead to profit. Company size significantly affect earnings growth. This condition occurs because the size of a company one of which can be seen from the assets owned by the company, since the assets describe the availability of resources for the activities of the company in which these activities tend to be carried out to make a profit.

Keywords: Managerial Skills, Liquidity, Marketing Strategy, Company Size and Profitability

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