The Influence Of The Quality Of Raw Materials And Production Processes On Product Quality Based On Financial Reports With Repurchase Interest As An Intervening Variable (Case study on CV. Mandiri Sarana TeknikFor The Period 2013-2017)

Alfian Wahid, Dheasey Amboningtyas, Adji Seputro


This study aims to find empirical evidence and analyze the influence of the quality of raw materials and
production processes on product quality with repurchase interest as an intervening variable (case study on
Mandiri Sarana Teknik CV for the period 2013-2017). The sampling method used was purposive sampling
method and obtained 18 employees of the company who became the research respondents.
The analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS where the data is
tested using the coefficient of determination (R²) and t test, F test, path analysis, and sobelt test. In addition the
data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and there were also classic assumption tests consisting of
normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, and autocorrelation test. The independent variables
used in this study are the quality of raw materials and the production process, while the product quality is the
dependent variable and repurchase interest as an intervening variable.
The test results show that the production process has a partial effect on product quality, while the quality of
raw materials does not affect product quality and repurchase interest, the production process has no effect on
repurchase interest. Simultaneous test results show that the quality of raw materials and production processes
are equally influential on product quality. The sobelt test results show that repurchase interest is able to mediate
the relationship between the quality of raw materials and the production process on product quality.
Keywords: Quality of Raw Materials, Production Process, Product Quality, and Repurchase Interest

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