JUDUL MANUSCRIPT DALAM BAHASA INDONESIA The Influence of Product Quality, Promotion on MSME Sales in Candisari District, Semarang.

Filma Fadila Martha, Sri Praptono, Retno Djohar Juliani


Sales are one of the key factors in the success of a business. This
research can investigate factors that influence product quality, including promotion. The results of this research show that the price variable has an f table value of 9.169 > 97 with a significance value (Sig.) 0.000 < 3.09, meaning that partially the variables Product Quality, Promotion have a positive and significant effect on sales.
The results of the discussion for the product quality variable have a positive and significant effect on sales, shown by a significance value of 0.20 < alpha level 0.005 and t count 02.367 < 0.275, the promotion variable has a positive and significant effect on sales, shown by a significant value level of 0.020 < alpha level 0 .05 and the calculated t value is 2.367> 09.877. Thus, this shows that the product quality and promotion variables have a significant positive influence together on increasing sales

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