Yekhonya Asael, Leonardo Budi Hasiolan, Andi Tri Haryono


PT. Hadatrans Interbuana who were then headquartered in Karangrejo Jalan Raya No. 8 Banyumanik is an international transportation services company with domestic and international transportation services by land, sea and air, which are goods and document delivery service for domestic and overseas. PT. Hadatrans Interbuana in the year 2011 to the 2014 level of revenue and net income is decreased. This is indicates that the customer loyalty of customers low because increase in complaints (complaints) from the customer an addressed to the management of PT. Hadatrans Interbuana from 2012 until 2014, including the customer expectation concerning the understanding, partnership building service and total quality management. The formulation of the problem in this research is how the effort management of PT. Hadatrans Interbuana Semarang to increase customer loyalty by improving understanding of customer expectation, building service partnership and total quality management in the consumer PT. Hadatrans Interbuana Semarang.

The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression and goodness of fit test partial and simultaneous. Survey respondents amounted to 80 people. The results of data analysis using SPSS version 20, shows the first hypothesis, the second and third states that understanding the customer expectation, building service partnership and total quality management partially positive and significant impact on customer loyalty can be accepted, because t value of each variable namely 3696, 2773 and 5139> t table 1.99085. The fourth hypothesis which states that the understanding of customer expectation, building service and total quality management partnership simultaneously positive and significant impact on customer loyalty can be accepted, because the calculated F value 32.866> than F table 2.72. The

coefficient of determination for 0.548, meaning that large variations in customer loyalty customer PT. Hadatrans Interbuana Semarang which can be explained by the variation of the variable understanding of customer expectation, building service partnership and total quality management was 54.8 percent while the remaining

45.2 percent of the effect is influenced by other variables outside variation regression model.


Keywords : understanding customer expectation, building service partnership, total quality management, customer loyalty

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