Djunaidi Djunaidi, Leonardo Budi Hasiholan, Azis Fathoni


This study aimed to analyze whether tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy effect on user satisfaction BPJS PT. PRPP Jateng.Researchers gathered information by, intervies, questionnaires and literature. Respondents are employees of PT. PRPP Jateng as much as 43 using the techniques quantitative descriptive of non-probability sample with accidential sampling approach.Based on the research results obtained by SPSS version 15 stepwise multiple linear regression value of 1.922 with tests of statistical data as follows: validity test frequency tables and Pearson Correlation is valid. Test reliabelitas Cronbach's alpha 0.921> r table sig 0.396 5%. Kolmogorov normality test-simirnov Z 0.956 and assymp. Sig. (2 tailed) 0.320> 0.05 normal distribution. Multikolinearitas tolerance test thitung X> 0.10 and a variance factor inflaction t X <10.00 that did not happen multikonieritas. Heteroskedastisitas test Glejser t X <t table 2.017 and sig. count X> sig. 0.05 Data not occur heteroscedasticity problem. Autocorrelation durbin watson d arithmetic 1.399 between du 1.7794 and 1.2660 dl d tables. did not produce any definitive conclusions. Linearity test ANOVA table Fhitung X <f table and sig. count X> sig. 0.05 then between the Y and X have a linear relationship. Test f f value count 80.101> f table 2.47 at alpha 5% and sig. 0,000 <sig. 0.05 at alpha 5%, significantly influence the X variable Y. coefficients t 5 Test the hypothesis, H1 t tangible (X1) 3,495> t table 2,110 and sig. tangible (X1) 0.001 <sig. 0.05 then accepted H1, H2 t reliability (X2) 1.185 <t table 2,110 and sig. Reliability (X2) 0.244> 0.05 then received H2, H3 t responsivenesse (X3) -4.014> t table 2,110 and sig. responsivenesse (X3) 0.00 <0.05, t value is negative, then the value of significance eligible H3 doubt - doubt, H4 t assurance (X4) 2,373> t table 2,110 and sig. assurance (X4) 0.023 <0.05, accepted H4, H5 t empathy (X5) 11.092> t table 2,110 and sig. empathy (X5) 0.000 <0.05, H5 accepted. Adjusted r-square test 0.904 (90.4%) the rest (9.6%) on the influence of other factors.
The most influential variable regression coefficient empathy (X5) 0.792, regression coefficients assurance (X4) 0.238, tangible regression coefficient (X1) 0.162, regression coefficient Reliability (X2) 0.099, regression coefficient responsivenesse (X3) -0.276.
Tangible advice service strategic location, easily accessible. Suggestions reliability officers more aware - hearts in service so it does not happen again malpractice. Suggestions responsiveness more active and alert officers in service so there is no long lines that culminate in thes service hours. Suggestions assurance inspection officers remove the quota system and other services that service users accommodated. Suggestions empathy officers humanity and abolishing the system of social status and economic status regardless of race, religion, race, rich, poor.
Key words: tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, satisfaction, quality, BPJS Health, PT. PRPP Jateng.


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