Erwad Pranoto, Patricia Dhiana Paramita, Moh Mukeri Warso


The success of an organization in achieving its objectives can be seen with their work performance shows the work accomplished person. Job performance is the result of work that can be achieved by an individual based on pre-defined criteria that can help agencies / organizations to achieve the goals in quality and quantity. Factors that may affect job performance dlam this study include supervision, motivation and work discipline. This study aims to determine how much influence supervision, motivation and discipline on employee performance Pertamina Retail Store Bright Semarang.
The population in this study were all employees of Pertamina Retail Store Bright Semarang as many as 141 people. Samples taken a number of 59 people. Statistical analysis was conducted on the multiple linear regression and hypothesis testing.
Based on the results of data analysis can be concluded; There is a positive and significant impact on the performance of an employee supervision, this is evidenced in the statistical analysis in which the value of the regression coefficient control (b1) of 0.296 and the t (3.011)> t table (1.672) or t sig 0.004 <0.05, with thus H1 accepted. There is a positive and significant effect of motivation on employee performance Bright Store Pertamina Retail Semarang, this is evidenced in the statistical analysis in which the value of the regression coefficient motivation (b2) of 0.254 and the t (2.045)> t table (1.672) or sig t (0,046 ) <0.05, thus H2 received. There is a positive and significant impact of labor discipline on employee performance Bright Store Pertamina Retail Semarang, this is evidenced in the statistical analysis in which the value of coefficient regression work discipline (b3) of 0.376 and the t (2.877)> t table (1.672) or sig t (0.006) <0.05, thus the H3 is received. There is a positive and significant impact supervision, motivation and discipline work together on employee performance Bright Store Pertamina Retail Semarang, this is evidenced in the statistical analysis where F count (80.528)> F table (2.773) or sig F (0,000) < 0.05, thus H4 accepted. coefficient of determination is equal to 0.804, which means a change of employee performance variations Bright Pertamina Retail Store Semarang influenced supervision, motivation and discipline by 80.4%, while the remaining 19.6% is influenced by factors other than research (eg, work environment and work ability).
Keywords: Controling, Motivation, Work Discipline, Job Performance Employees

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