PENGARUH HUBUNGAN PROFITABILITAS, KEBIJAKAN DIVIDEN DAN KEBIJAKAN HUTANG TERHADAP NILAI PERUSAHAAN (Studi Kasus Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2014-2017)

Nila Karmila, Abrar Oemar


Company value is the main goal of a company. Company value is influenced by
several factors, in this study the researcher wants to know the Effect of Profitability
Relationship, Dividend Policy, and Debt Policy on Company Values (manufacturing
companies listed on the Stock Exchange in 2014-2017)
The research sample was taken by purposive sampling technique obtained by 25
companies. The independent variables used are profitability, dividend policy, and debt
policy while the dependent variable is the value of the company.
The results of the study show that profitability has a significant and positive effect
on firm value, dividend policy has a significant and negative effect on firm value while
CSR has no significant and negative effect on firm value.
Keywords: Profitability, Dividend Policy, Debt Policy, and Company Value

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