Erna Supriyanti, Mukeri, Maria M Minarsih


Sambirejo villages Gayamsari Semarang District in efforts to improve service to the public , the agency should be able to provide good service , so as to give public satisfaction . Therefore the chief officers Sambirejo should be able to manage in such a way and empower the addition of facilities and increase the quality of services to community satisfaction will increase. This study aims to determine the effect of the quality of services and facilities together on community satisfaction in villages Sambirejo Semarang District Gayamsari

Population in this study is the entire community that use the service for the month of January to April 2013 in Semarang villages taker Sambirejo 2142 people. Samples used in this study of 100 people . Sampling technique used convienen sampling. Performed statistical analysis covering multiple linear regression and hypothesis testing.

Based on data analysis results can be concluded : There is a significant positive influence on the quality of services in villages Sambirejo community satisfaction Semarang , this is evidenced in the statistical analysis where the regression coefficient value quality of service ( b1 ) amounted to 0.322 and t count ( 6,766 ) > t table ( 1,984 ) or sig t = 0.000 < 0.05 , There is a significant positive influence on satisfaction community facilities in villages Sambirejo Semarang , this is evidenced in the statistical analysis where the facilities regression coefficient ( b2 ) amounted to 0.284 and t count ( 5,990 ) > t table ( 1,984 ) or sig t ( 0,000 ) < 0.05 , There is a significant positive influence of the quality of services and facilities together on community satisfaction in villages Sambirejo Semarang , this is evidenced in the statistical analysis where F count ( 124.486 ) > F table ( 3,090 ) or sig F ( 0,000 ) < 0.05 , coefficient of determination value is the mean size of 0,714 variations of changes in community satisfaction Sambirejo Semarang villages affected the quality of services and facilities as large as 71.4 % , while the remaining 28.6 % influenced by other factors outside scrutiny

Keywords: Quality of Service , Facilities , Community Satisfaction

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