Pengaruh Rekrutmen, Stress Kerja dan Pemberian Insentif Terhadap Produktivitas Kerja dengan Komitmen Organisasi sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada PT. Ungaran Sari Garment Unit III Congol Karangjati.â€

Edy Pranoto, Andi Tri Haryono, Moh Mukeri Warso


Productivity can be interpreted simply by increasing the quantity and quality, can also be interpreted by working effectively and efficiently. Therefore the effective and efficient productivity and quality of adjacent meaning. Resources-driven economy effectively requires organizational and technical skills, which means that the result obtained balanced output or input (economic resources) are processed. Recruitment masalahApakah formulation effect on employee productivity and the PT. Ungaran Sari Garment Unit Congol Karangjati, Does work stress affect the productivity of employees at PT. Ungaran Sari Garment Unit Congol Karangjati, Do Incentives affect the productivity of employees at PT. Ungaran Sari Garment Unit Congol Karangjati, Do Recruitment, Job stress, Incentives influence the organizational commitment as an intervening variable in PT. Ungaran Sari Garment Unit Congol Karangjati. The method of analysis using SPSS version 20.0 using multiple linear regression.
The results of the study Recruitment t count equal to 2.707 with significance values for X1 regression coefficient of 0.002 or less than alpha of 0.05 (5%). Then the null hypothesis (H0) in this study refused and accept alternative hypothesis (Ha)) l Job stress tcount of 1,155 with significant value for the regression coefficient of 0.004 X2 or smaller than alpha of 0.05 (5%). Then the null hypothesis (H0) in this study refused and accept alternative hypothesis (Ha). Incentives showed variable t count equal to 1,377 with significant value for the regression coefficient 0.000 X3 or smaller than alpha of 0.05 (5%). Then the null hypothesis (H0) in this study was rejected and the alternative hypothesis receives variable Productivity t count equal to - 1,368 with significant value for the regression coefficient 0.657 X3 or greater than alpha of 0.05 (5%). Then the null hypothesis (H0) in this study refused and accept alternative hypothesis (Ha). So we can conclude that the labor productivity variable does not affect the organization's commitment means labor productivity variable does not affect Organizational Commitment.
Keywords: recruitment, job stress, incentives, labor productivity, organizational commitment

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